Commercialization of innovative Pharmaceutical products-practical aspects and problems: an overview – Indian Journal of Research Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Commercialization of innovative Pharmaceutical products-practical aspects and problems: an overview

Publication Date : 02-03-2022

Author(s) :

Renuka B. Dhakne, Reshma Patil, Dr. S.S.Angadi, D.M.Kulkarni.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 2
(03 - 2022)

Abstract :

The process of turning an idea into a marketable product, service, or method is known as commercialization. The most dangerous and costly stage of the technology implementation and product life cycle is commercialization. Commercialization involves testing many ideas and selecting the products that are safer, more effective, and more efficacious than the existing product. Careful justification of practical implementation is very important otherwise problems may occur. Problems in commercialization are usually based on some practical aspects. Problems can also arise in technology selection and strategic planning of technology implementation. This review article briefly discusses the problems in commercialization and gives some ideas on the points to be considered in successful commercialization

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