A Review: On Sublingual Tablet – Indian Journal of Research Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences

A Review: On Sublingual Tablet

Publication Date : 28-12-2022

Author(s) :

Prashant Appasaheb Rode , Ajay Jagannath Malode .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 6
(12 - 2022)

Abstract :

Sublingual administration is usually preferred when a more rapid onset of action is required than orally-taken tablets. Sublingual tablets provide rapid release of drug from the formulation, bypassing drug metabolism in the liver and entering the systemic circulation directly. Demand for rapidly disintegrating sublingual tablets has increased over the past decade, especially for elderly and paediatric patients with swallowing difficulties. Drug delivery systems are becoming increasingly complex as pharmaceutical scientists better understand the physicochemical and biochemical parameters associated with their performance. Various techniques can be used to formulate sublingual tablets. i.e., Direct compression, freeze-drying, etc. Sublingual tablets require faster disintegration. Therefore, explosives should be prescribed. i.e., It is a super disintegrant that is effective at low concentrations and has high disintegration efficiency. Tablets were evaluated for weight change, hardness, friability, wetting time, water absorption, disintegration time, and dissolution studies. This review focuses on different sublingual dosage forms, factors affecting sublingual absorption, benefits, various in vitro and in vivo evaluation parameters, and commercially available sublingual dosage forms.

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